Or otherwise known as thick application of paints, or what we (the kids in my workshops) amusedly refer to as painting with cotton buds. ;-) I also refer to it as an alternative to paintbrush. This happens when the materials are not complete, or not usable (in this case the kids brushes need to be cleaned!) and one must think "inside the box." Creativity means thinking outside, inside and without the box. Which is another topic on another creative session . . .
In the painting above, 7-year old Caryn used cotton buds (and fingers, haha!) to be able to blend her colors, adjust her highlights, create movements, and capture the essence of the flowers on a vase! On most days, when we need to paint and the brushes are not available, we use our fingers, sponges, cloths, spatula. Or we simply do collages by cutting out colored papers (or pages from a colored glossy magazines) to recreate and fully grasp something visual that strike our fancy!
by Caryn, age 7