Copyright laws apply on all original works and photographs on this site.
This studio produces works in collaboration with nature, animals and people!
About Lui
I do sustainable art and community projects mostly non-profit initiatives, design and implement creative works on any media and on site, promote and support programs on art and cultural heritage work, nature and animal welfare, care and protection.
. . . i am a muse and i muse too!
About the Hounds
Certified Animal Bloggers
We DO bark our stories!
Your Hands and Paws can do Wonders especially if guided by a brilliant Mind and a pure Heart
Know and Learn More!
Reading is good for everyone
We Design and Facilitate Creative Workshops for kids and adults!
Drawing, ColorPlay, Papercraft, ClayCraft, Painting, Sculpture, ShortStories, ShortFilms, and MixedMedia. eMail us for details!
sure, you can contact us:
There is no Time
It is an Illusion created by Busy Minds
Reduce,Reuse,Recycle,Recreate,Respect and Remember!