
02 August 2014

Doing Monet's Bridge at Giverny

Making children and adults paint this inspired Claude Monet's Bridge painting is a good visual exercise for line drawing, color blending and mixes, highlights and shadows, and a good feeling of accomplishment. Below are some of my workshop students interpretation:

Acrylic painting by 7-year-old girl in 45 minutes!

And another acrylic paintings done by two brothers, ages 6 & 7 yo:
Here they worked beside each other at home. It is not an easy challenge to make boys paint since it is an arduous task compared to their favorite games in their electronic gadgets but this very same exercise allows both of their brains, since art is a whole brain activity, to refresh, reboot :-) and analyze and translate visual perceptions to a medium. Surprisingly, the boys did this in less than 45 minutes!

Below is a 15 minute acrylic painting of an 8-year-old girl in a special workshop ;
The challenge is to make her understand that after the 'boring' blue background there is an exciting mixing of primary colors to produce the greens, the browns, and the final red bridge to complete the composition. The delight is apparent when the student started dancing and jumping, her way of communicating her pleasure at the result!

And these versions by a male PWD in his 50s done in less than two hours are detailed drawing and painting:

Monet's painting allows the students to look at the outdoors with new eyes. Can you see the yellows and blues in the trees and grass? The puffiness of the clouds? Those little snippets of colors that tell stories like flowers peeking from the grass or have fallen to the water. Painting is a visual exercise which I highly recommend to everyone to strengthen their appreciation of the physical world . . .