
07 March 2016

The TimeLight Project!

For a week now, kids as young as 3 to adults in special sessions are busy thinking of ways to recycle the things that they throw like bottles, cartons, tissue paper rolls, wires, cans, etc. and transform them into functional works like clocks and lamps in my workshop. For an hour or so every week, we meet to create their ideas into reality! To challenge their creativity and at the same time help in the preservation of our environment by creating an awareness on ways to upcycle the things we throw.

An adult in a special session on a wheelchair tries to paint his clock as a planet in the universe! How exciting to see what recyclable materials he will include in this work!

A 6 year old girl wanted a flower clock and reuse the tissue rolls to embellish it later:

More works in progress by kids:

This is one of my curatorial challenge working on different sites with no permanent studio space, no sponsors, no production budget except to work with available resources and time. Hopefully, when the collection is completed we can show it to the public!