
06 September 2007

Commissioned Work!

My famous pinoy hound Sweepy
has commissioned me to create
several works for his blog:

1. Logo for DogsWithBlogs
of which he is a member . . .

but he said he does not want
several dogs with him . . .

2. He wanted a drawing of him
with some techie gadgets like
laptops and mobile phone:

but he does not want the blue shirt
and he wanted a laptop with a bone logo
and possibly with a music player . . .

Earlier, he asked me to make illustrations
for his well-loved bedtime story
"The Pink Cat" which is a tribute
for all the cats that used to live in heaven
and for all beings with 'insecurity issues'. . .

well, at least this one he accepted
with no whining and drooling . . .
He is quite a demanding client.

These works can be seen at his blog: