
10 March 2011

The Written Word

Chantrice, age 12

Children love stories. They love it when you read them stories and I love it when they tell me stories. I encourage children to make their own short stories using themes like friendship, loyalty, patience, courage, loss (sad themes can be a great outlet for children to express their fears which paves the way for them to conquer and resolve it), ownership and custodianship. The last two themes are my favorites because it is extremely important to emphasize the respect and care for things around us, the ones we own and those that belong to others. By making kids create stories about owning something (their favorite things) and how important it is to them, how to take care of the important things in their life (toys, gadgets, pets, family, friends, etc.) they widen their awareness of the value of possessions (the tangibles and intangibles like friendship and traditions, etc.) and the meaning of preservation and nurturing.

So what is your story?

Vivienne, age 12